The Best Digital Transformation Hack

Supported By: 
Digital Transformation Office and Department of Communications
  1. Major prize: Best Digital Transformation Hack ($4000)

  2. Runner up 1: Best Digital Transformation Hack ($2000)

  3. Runner up 2: Best Digital Transformation Hack ($2000)

This is an open category for you to show us how we should do digital transformation in government :) It could include end to end digital services, better ways of show government information, more user centric approaches for major services you use every day or how other parts of government should be brought into the 21st Century!

nextStep FedUni

Team Name: 
Barely Registered

This app makes use of gamification to get prospective students interested in higher education. The app constructs a persona based on players' responses to a quiz. The responses from the quiz assigns characteristics, from which persona attributes are then derived. Players are then able to use their persona's to battle other professions. 


Team Name: 

BiblioFile seeks to increase social connection through reading- like Tinder for book lovers. It uses public library open data to notify uses of other people with similar reading interests and to connect people with the books that they love. Users can connect with other people who like to read- regardless of location- both online and in the real world. Books can be searched for and requested through the One Card Network - and if it is not available they can request that it is purchased by their local library.

Crime Stalker

We live in the dark, to server the light. We are Crime Stalker.
Team Name: 
Sky Observer

Crime can be the result of different negative behaviours, such as heavy drinking, drugs, accidents, etc. Our website will display user-selected layers on top of each others over Victoria map to shed some light into the connection between crime and other behaviours.

Basic layers include accidents, drug use, various crime type. If an area has a higher density of incidents, it may indicate that something needs to be done in that area.

Data usage: Victoria suburb boundaries dataset, Vicroads accident dataset, crime dataset.

Metadata Tag Extractor

Team Name: 

MetaData Extractor


MetaData is as important as Data. While generating data is expected to be done carefully, generating metadata is done as an afterthought, most of the time.

My first plan for GovHack was to do an analysis of the trends and patterns of the metadata of  But after downloading all the metadata and data wrangling, I found out that the dataset tags are not that great.


Team Name: 
Old Hacks

Our GovHack project allows end-users to create photomosaic images from photographic datasets avaiable on the Data.SA open portal.  This is a visually dynamic way to showcase the thousands of images available to view and gives the user an opportunity to display these photos in a fun and engaging way.

Holes in the Safety Net Indicator

Team Name: 
Safety Net

Holes in the safety net indicator is a national assessment of the concentration of charitable organisations that work with people at risk of homelessness. It shows locations where there are fewer homeless charities and comparatively larger homeless populations, to encourage growth of charitable organisations in those areas most in need.


Safety Net

SafteyNet image of a net protecting the ground
Team Name: 
Safety Net

Safety Net is a website designed to ease communication between homeless or at risk people and the services designed to help them. 

By geocoding data for charitable support services, we can provide an easy to use information source that will allow the newly homeless or at risk to  find the appropriate services easily, thus minimising the danger that they will become trapped with the disadvantages of street life. With a few minutes and an Internet connection, they will be able to find the people that can assist in getting them back on their feet. 


Team Name: 


The dataset used was the Australian Government Organisation Register.

IGOR - an AGOR assistant

Hackasaurus Wrecks
Team Name: 
Hackasaurus Wrecks

We enhanced the data available within the Australian Government Organisations Register into a user friendly format, so that it can be easy understand what Government portfolios exist and how they change over time.

IGOR represents Government Organisation data in a sortable, searchable and paginated format. It allows the user to drill-down, and view the history of a field for a particular entity. This history view provides a clear picture of how the dataset has changed over time.

Liveability Index

Team Name: 
Red Spatial

The Liveability Index is a website focused on informing users about the liveability state of every region in Australia, looking at aspects based on economy, demography and education. It allows the general public to see at a glance the status of areas down to the suburb level right across the country. It’s always interesting to find data about areas near you!


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