Health Buddy

HealthBuddy (Chamonix)
Team Name: 

Problem Statement

Current SA Health Initiative - Emergency Departments are here to deal with emergencies, but for minor illness or injury, there are a range of other care options to consider.

For anything life threatening people should always call 000 immediately

Health Consumer

  •  When suffering from an non-life threatening injury or illness, where should I go?

Policy and Decision Makers

  • How do we ensure true emergencies continue to utilise Hospital ED departments, while encouraging non-emergencies to use appropriate services such as GP Clinics and Pharmacies?


Health Consumer

  • Provide a single point to access:
    • Government check lists advising which conditions are best treated at which facility types
    • Travel Time, Wait Time, Capacity, Status, Community Sentiment of nearby facilities to support the decision process
    • Travel options and directions including car, bus, taxi for travelling to facilities

Policy and Decision Makers

  • Live stats on incoming private emergencies and ED capacity stats to assist with
    • Short term capacity planning
    • Routing of ambulances
  • Analysis of ED data to inform policy decisions including
    • Presentations and Admissions
    • ED performance vs targets
  • Analysis of Community Sentiment towards Facilities including Hospitals, GP Clinics, Pharmacies and Community Services

Data Set Re-use

NATIONAL DATASET: ACNC Registered Charities
Used to identify community services, their location and contact details.

NATIONAL DATASET: Hospital Statistics
Number of Beds and whether or not they provide an ED department.

SA DATASET: SA Health Hospitals Locations
Used to identify health care facilities in HealthBuddy.

SA DATASET: Emergency Department Presentations
Used in the HealthBuddy Dashboard to present details on ED performance and community use of ED.

SA DATASET: Emergency Department Admissions
Used in the HealthBuddy Dashboard to present details on ED performance and community use of ED.

SA DATASET: Emergency Department 4 hour length of stay
Used in the HealthBuddy Dashboard to present details on ED performance and community use of ED.
Used in HealthBuddy to inform the community of ED performance compared to targets at each facility.

SA DATASET: South Australian Community Services Directory
Used to identify services, their location, hours of operation and contact details.

SA DATASET: Adelaide Metro General Transit Feed
Used to identify bus routes and timetables.

NHSD (Licensing considerations for real production use)
Used to enrich details relating to healthcare facilities including; opening hours, location, service types.

Google API
Used to determine travel time to locations including current traffic conditions.

Community Sentiment
Used to get live details on community sentiment towards a facility.

MyHospitals Data Download
Used to enrich details relating to healthcare facilities including location details (Geospatial) and number of beds.

SA Health Emergency Department Dashboard (Licensing considerations for real production use)
Used to provide details about current waiting times, capacity and inbound ambulances.

Emergency Departments are for emergencies
Used to provide details about common conditions as listed by SA Health which are treated by a GP or Pharmacy.

Triple zero (000) or ED
Used to provide a cover page reminding the user that if something life threatening is happened Don't use the app, just call 000.

Alignment to Prize Categories

The Best Digital Transformation Hack

Health Buddy presents a simple and easy to use interface to guide the user through the process of selecting a health care facility. There are a number of existing services online to help support this decision making process. This includes Government check lists for selecting facility types, directories of facilities, dashboards for hospital wait times, and more. Health Buddy consolidates the information from these sources into a single application. By providing all of this information in a single location Health Buddy creates a quick 4 step process after which completes with directions on how to get to your selected health care facility.

The Best Policy Insights Hack

The Health Buddy Dashboard consolidates a number of distinct data sets to identify trends in ED health care over time. This can be used to help inform short term and long term policy decisions by showing the impact of various policies as measured against their intended outcomes.

Best Industry, Science or Research data mash up

By combining Health and Transport data Health Buddy helps the community select a location for their healthcare needs and provide guidance on how to reach that location.

Best South Australian concept that innovates to a national market

Overloading of Emergency Departments is a national health care issue which Health Buddy is looking to address for the health care consumer and policy maker. Current statistics show more than half of the ED presentations don't result in admissions. While many of these presentations are still valid ED presentations, a large portion of them could have received the required treatment at a GP Clinic or Pharmacy.

International Best Disaster Mitigation

Providing live data to consumers and decision makers in hospitals will enable quick decisions when selecting where to go and staff required in the event of a natural disaster requiring an elevated level of an emergency response.

Data to decision

Community - Assisting the community in making decisions about how and where to seek treatment for health related issues.

Government - Providing live data to support short term capacity planning and long term analysis to provide insights into the impact of policy decisions.

Health Living and wellbeing through social inclusion

Health Buddy helps people connect with services. Depending on treatment required (ED, GP, Pharmacy, Community Services) Health Buddy informs the user of facilities near their location, travel options and time to get there, social media sentiment on the facility, and directions on how to travel to the facility.

Helping communities connect with data

Health Buddy consolidates a number of distinct data sources to provide a single place for the community to make decisions about where to go to seek treatment for health related issues.

Bounty: Open Source bounty

  • Health Buddy uses an open source Twitter Sentiment API to read in live Tweets related to health care facilities and determine if these tweets impart positive or negative sentiment.
  • AngularJS is an open source web application framework for quickly building expressive, readable dynamic web applications.
  • Bootstrap, a sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
  • Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized. 
  • jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
  • NewtonSoft JSON Serializer
  • .NET package to easily serialise and deserialise JSON formatted data for concise communications between web application client and API.
  • Google Maps API Client Library for .NET
  • .NET package to easily interact with Google Maps APIs without worrying about API specific details.

Bounty: Most useful Product or Service for the Public

Providing the community a single place to review details of health care options Health Buddy is a valuable tool for the public and their health care needs.

Bounty: Charity data bounty

Utilising the ACNC registered charities data set Health Buddy helps connect the community with nearby support services.

Technologies Used

  • Web Application
    • HTML5/JavaScript/CSS
    • AngularJS/Font Awesome/jQuery/Ajax/JSON
  • Web API
    • Web API 2/REST Web Services
    • Microsoft .NET Framework (ASP.NET) 4.5
    • Entity Framework
  • SQL Server 2014
    • SQL Server Integration Services
  • Microsoft Azure
    • Web Apps
    • SQL Server
    • Service Bus/Event Hub
    • Stream Analytics
  • Power BI
    • Dashboards/Excel 2013
  • Office 365
    • OneNote 2013 (Used to Manage Project Tasks and Information)
Datasets Used: 
SA Health Hospitals Locations *** Emergency Department Presentations *** Emergency Department Admissions *** Emergency Department 4 hour length of stay *** ACNC Registered Charities *** south-australian-community-services-directory *** Adelaide Metro General Transit Feed *** Hospital Statistics *** NHSD (Licensing considerations for real production use) *** Google API *** Community Sentiment *** MyHospitals Data Download *** SA Health Emergency Department Dashboard *** Emergency Departments are for emergencies *** Triple zero (000) or ED ***

Local Event Location: