Mobile Alert - crowdsourcing and meta-Govhack hack

With the help of Hexagon Geospatial providing a free Mobile Alert Professional level subscription, Intergraph are also supplying data feeds of incidents logged at ALL Australia and New Zealand GovHack locations from the Mobile Alert crowdsourcing free app - grab it for Windows Phone , iOS or Android - and log everything you come across during GovHack, and see if you can integrate it with your local council or state incident system or use it in your project. Essentially it does the hard work of getting data in - and the app itself is world wide, you just subscribe to a location and make some categories. 

its a bit of a meta-Govhack hack, if we can get you all to download the app for your smartphone or tablet and...

  • Take photos of events, incidents, interesting things, cats?
  • Choose a category in the wheel (look for the GovHack logo in all official govhack locations)
  • Add an optional comment 
  • Enter location (if poor GPS you can position manually)

If you'd like access to the crowd-sourced feed or EdgeFrontier during the GovHack Weekend - let me know, apply here - - and I'll set you up a login.

More info at